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Brighton Hilton Metropole Wedding Fayre

On Sunday 2nd of October I exhibited at Brighton Hilton Metropole.
Not only was the sun shining, but the champagne was flowing and the people kept coming and coming and coming!

In preparing for the wedding fayre I had a banner and new leaflets printed up, and used everything I could think of to encourage people to stop at my stand;
Testimonials check, leaflets check, special offer on the day check, sweets to entice check, examples of work check, wedding cake supplied by Steph's free from check, Model on the day to show hair and make up check, me check!

I was shown to my table when I arrived and boy was it in a great position! people could see me as soon as they walked in, people could see me as they walked out.  I was also situated between two wonderful tables, one with alternative wedding dresses that were gorgeous and on the other side an amazing 7 piece band with female singer who was extremely nice.

Not only did I meet lot's of lovely brides to be but all the other stall holders came to introduce themselves and offered up lots of leads for me to follow up.
I must admit, once I opened up my make up box of tricks to do my model's make up demo, a lot more people stopped to look at my 'pretty colours!' - I must remember this trick for future wedding fayres!

The Result? - I confirmed 15 bookings, unfortunately I had to turn 6 away as it seems that EVERYONE is getting married on August 25th 2012! Also, I hope that a lot more people book me at a later date.... remember, if you do you will qualify for a 5% discount!

It was truly worth going to a wedding Fayre that had been arranged by an events company rather than the hotel itself. Everything was organised and ran extremely smoothly so thank you stylish events, I will definitely attend another wedding fayre run by you.

I would like to say a HUGE thank you to the following people, without whom this wedding fayre could not have been the success that it was.... Hope and Creed for doing the artwork for my banner, and also for doing my website(s) for me, Annabelle's Wigs for letting me use the photos from her recent shoot collaborating with Lino Carbosiero, Holly Higgins and katie Green for being the beautiful models on said shoot, Christopher Giles for letting me use his photos and for 'getting them to me in time', Lewes Print rooms for Printing up by banner and flyers as very late notice, and getting the job done well,  Stephanie Palmer for supplying me with one of her fantastic Dairy free, Gluten free, wheat free cakes and last but not least to Katie Weir of Lewesfit for being my glamorous model on the day and also helping to give out my flyers.


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