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How to plan a wedding ?

I often get asked by people how a wedding day transforms and the answer is that each wedding day is very different to each other with some brides being more organised than others, and also a lot of it depends on how the bride is feeling - you will never know how you will feel on your wedding day until the day itself comes!

Here is a little insight into behind the scenes on the morning of a wedding day.
With thanks to Laura Higgins (nee Lancaster) who has kindly let me share her morning with the world!
Enjoy reading and remember, this is just how Laura's wedding transpired, each wedding is individual and every one's wedding day is different to eachother......... 

Having met Laura for her trial, it was decided that I would turn up at the Norfolk Arms, Arundel where she was getting ready at 07.30 am.
Bride and bridesmaids were ready and waiting at the window for me!

First things first - turns out the veil had no clip attached so I quickly put the bridesmaids to work with the hotel sewing kit!

 Well, what did you think bridesmaids were for????

 Once sewing had commenced we started to gather everything together to make sure that we would all be ready for Laura to get married at 11am.
First things first - compulsory bridesmaid knickers...... check!

 Now it was time to put Laura's hair into heated curlers.  Once in, there was plenty of time to 'kick' the bridesmaid into shape..... bridezilla moment????
No! - turns out the bridesmaid just wants her necklace doing up!
Once everyone had made sure that their jewellery was on, it was time for the bridesmaid to get her face on....... that was until the bride realised that she was taking up time with her precious mirror!

Time for the photographer to arrive with his glamorous assistant. 'Hello!'
Just as I sit down to start applying Laura's make up, we have another arrival - this time it is the bride's dad..... so what else? they swim towards each other down the corridor......

Followed by a big hug hello.
Time check and Laura is considering whether or not to make a last minute escape through the window.....

'I just think that maybe I can make it through'
oops, spotted by the best man who has just turned up with the wedding bouquets..... hang on a minute........., ah few -it's a button hole!
On to the business of getting ready - time to have your curlers out Laura!

Now, just hold your head in that awkward position so that I can get plaiting

Few, hair and make up done, now for those quick last minute checks......

Does EVERYTHING fit into my bag.... 99% of bridesmaids say a resounding NO!

How do I do up my shoes once my dress is on whilst still looking ladylike?

Money! - Remember to pay the hair and make up lady please!

Add hair accessories then on to help the bride with her last minute checks.....
Cut label out of wedding dress (unless you are returning it at a later date of course!)

Bridal underwear all on?..... check!

Set make up with fixing spray to make it waterproof and sweat proof

Put Tiara and veil on

Make certain that it is the bride wearing the wedding dress..... by checking the name on her knickers!
Final hair check

Final make up check

Make sure that dress is on, shoes are on and netting is laying flat.... check time - ohh ! time to go.....

oh!, is that the time?.... run, run, run - but make sure that your bridesmaid has time to hold your skirt for you

Last minute shot from the photographer..... It's of the wedding shoes gov, honest!

must get to the car

last minute shot.....

.................before dashing to the car to get to the venue BEFORE the bride!

Now for the next test...... how to get the bride into the car?

Open the door and 'shove her in' - surely this is how all brides get in to their transport ?

An extra big push to get the dress in too.....

OK, so that's the bride in.... what about the bridesmaids?

  - oops, they both don't fit! time for a last favour from the make up artist (me) - always here to provide an extra service! and quite frankly, not sure how else the other bridesmaid would have got to the wedding venue!

At the wedding venue - now to get everyone out of the car

 bouquets and dress at the ready?

Oh.... rain - really? ... in England?..... in July?

 My last view of Laura, her dad and bridesmaids as they head off to get married

My job is done!......

(Over to the real photographer - Adam Barnes of ABWeddingPhotography)
Hair and make up by mysele - Amy Prifti

Congratulations Laura - thank you so much for letting me use these pics for my blog
I know that you enjoyed your wedding day and had a fantastic honeymoon - I am looking forward to seeing your professional shots soon.


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