A different kinda post to my normal ones.
This is a personal message from me..... Just putting it out there!
My name is Amy Prifti. I am a make up artist and I'm bloody good at my job. There, I've said it!
So why, when I tell a model who is putting their face in my hands and has never met me before or seen examples of my work 'Don't worry - I'm a great make up artist' am I met with people who think that I am pretentious and 'up my own arse?'
I agree - I am extremely certain of myself and what I can achieve. Make up is all I have ever known, from age 8 when I would make over my friends to look like the lady on the front of a magazine to age 13 when I started designing the hair and make up for all my school, and then college performances.
I worked my first Opera house and my first feature film aged 16 where I would clean make up brushes and sort hair pins whilst watching, learning and working my damnest to impress and to get the opportunity to work my way up.
I have studied extensively, questioning any 'rules' that I was set and doing my best to prove those rules wrong (My industry in an art - who is to tell me what I can and can't do?)
I still train now, even though I teach others, I never stop observing, learning and trying out different techniques to see what works for me. Yet I get frowned upon for stating that I am good at my job.
Now, I am not saying that I am the best make up artist in the world, I'm not saying that I know it all - I learn something new from each different face that I have the pleasure to work on. I am more than aware that that I will carry on discovering new products and learning new techniques every day.
Fashion changes. Models looks that we consider beautiful changes, new products enter the market - This is one of the things that I love best about my job.... The forever changing!
Of course, I do worry when I am old, grey (well, in my case, probably pink and purple) and wrinkly, will there still be space for me to carry on working within this industry?
I can't see pretty, young models wanting me to be working on their faces - So maybe I will be making other over old, grey and wrinkly woman and helping to provide them with a confidence boost!
For now, I live knowing that I am extremely fortunate to be working in an industry that I love. Each time I create my work, just like a painting, the end result is different.
I love enhancing features and I love natural beauty, I also love transforming people's looks to create a result which even they didn't think was possible, or even where they don't recognise themselves.
Make up is all I know, all I love and all I have ever wanted to do.
So when I say 'I'm a make up artist and I'm bloody good at my job' Please, just take my word for it, relax and let me do my job.

Please check out my ever growing website
Above photos; Chris Giles Photography, Milan Photography, Exposure Studios London, John Farrar, Rob Voodoo. Models - Natalie, Hannah Bland, Clodagh Mulligan, Portia Victoria, Olivia Harriet Smith.
All Hair and Make up by me :-)
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