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Fashion Editorial for Solis Magazine - A make up artist's point of view

You can see my full Fashion Editorial for Solis Magazine here Solis Magazine - Crazy Beautiful

As well as sharing the above article, I wanted to write something a bit more personal.

I am going to begin with the end of the day..... Once this photo shoot had finished,  I dropped everyone back at the train station to go home. Photographer David Long turned to me and asked 'you know you're good, right?' These five little words asked to an artist are not easy to answer. I can say that I know I'm not a bad make up artist, and I can say that I  know I am good enough to make a career out of it.
Being a make up artist is my life, it is all I have ever loved, it is all I have ever known, it is all I have ever wanted to be. I realise that I am extremely lucky to be doing what I love and I will make sure that I carry on doing it, I have worked as a make up artist whilst travelling abroad, it has seen me through one marriage and two beautiful children, and carries on getting stronger to this day.  It has taken a lot of hard work, determination and knock backs.  It tests your self belief and you have to grow a thick skin pretty quickly.

But back to those 5 little words, yes, I know I'm good but I do not tell myself this enough, yes, I know I'm good but I don't gloat about it, yes, I know I'm good but I don't really think about it that often.  Yes I know I'm good, but I know I could be great!

I know that there are new skills and techniques out there that I have not yet learnt, I know that I still learn something new everyday. I know that as well as working and concentrating on my career that I still need to collaborate with new people, try out new techniques, and more importantly,  put myself out of my comfort zone, like I am constantly telling my students to put themselves out of their comfort zones. What's the point of always doing the one thing that you know you are good at? It's great that you are good at something but unless you put yourself out of your comfort zone, you really are not going to learn anything new, and you are stopping yourself from being the best that you can be.

I believe that one of the reason's why we like to stay in our comfort zone is the fear of failure.... The fear that we tried something new and it didn't work out, or that it looked amateurish, and we don't want to share it and have to put our name to it. Fear is something that every artist must overcome, It is best to try to learn from everything we do.  When I first look at a finished photo, the first thing I do is criticise myself and tell myself what I could have done to make it better.  I am never 100% satisfied with what I have achieved, and I believe it is this that strives be to become a better make up artist.  Or, the best that I can be.

Funnily enough, when I am prepping for a photoshoot, fear is the last thing on my mind! I get so excited about who I am working with and what I am going to me creating that my mind goes into creative overdrive.  I start up moodboards, I start making hair pieces, eyelashes and nails, anything really that I feel will add to the finished photos.  This is just something that I do on auto pilot - Not much thinking goes into me and my abilities, I just have a 'can do' attitude and then don't think about it much after that!
There are a lot of hurdles put in front of you in this industry, but not as many hurdles as we put in front of ourselves.  All critique is personal and it is what we do  with that critique, good and bad that will help us to become better artists.

Emily Bunclark - (Josephine ) -
of SW12 Model Management -
Make up and Hair; Amy Prifti
Photographer: David Long


  1. Wow! Your picture are so much amazing! We also provide any kind of photo editing service as your time frame with your requirement.


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